afternoon DOCUMENTARY programSaturday March 5th / 12:00 Noon - 5:00pmArivaca Community Center
Many Bones, One Heart, is a captivating documentary that centers around the annual ‘All Souls Procession’ in Tucson, that began in 1990 with a small performance arranged by artist Susan Kay Johnson to mourn the death of her father and now organized annually by Paul Weir and Nadia Hagen - the long-time Artistic Director. The film weaves a narrative that follows a passage from loss and grief to joy and celebration. The film follows the organizer's city-wide effort in bringing people together to create a lasting cultural tradition in Tucson. The All Souls Procession, takes place on the Sunday after the Day of the Dead in the fall. In 2014 for example, some 110,000 souls gathered in the streets of downtown Tucson to remember the dead and celebrate the living.
CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL BIOLeslie Ann Epperson DirectorLeslie Ann Epperson is an Emmy Award winning director, and creator of Many Bones, One Heart, an independent documentary feature recently selected as the Opening Night Film at the Arizona International Film Festival, was also honored with the Best of Arizona Award. The Extended Trailer for the film recently received 2nd Place for Indy Film in Development by the My Hero Project Film Festival in Santa Monica, CA.
InthemiddleoftheNewMexicodesert,pieequals love.KathyKnapplefthercharmed,privilegedlifein DallastobakepieindustyPieTown,NewMexico,a onceforgottencorneroftheworldwithnotraffic light,gasstation,grocerystoreormotel.Why?To findhercenterandofferpeacetotheworld,one pieceofpieatatime.WelcometoPieTown,New Mexico.NarratedbyAmericanIndianActorandNewMexico ResidentWesStudi,thistrulyheartwarmingstory sharesthehistoryofaghosttownbroughtbackto life by pie and Kathy’s love.
“A film about a rural isolated town; fun people, tasty food and a wealth ofcommunity spirit... …Just like Arivaca!” Bart Santello Arivaca Film Exhibition
POT LUCK DINNER - 5pmI can smell the PIES already!The pot luck dinner is our yearly traditionhere at the Arivaca Filmmakers Exhibition,Where our film-going community makes it happen! A time to relax, socialize and rechargebefore our evening of independent short films!PS: No obligation to bring food; especially if you’retraveling long distance or attending at the last minute.We got you covered!!
Thrasherlandby Joshua Provost
Thrasherland is a coming-of-age family drama in
which thirteen year old Carpenter is trying hard
to fit in but isn't jaded enough to be accepted by
the skaters. When his kid sister falls ill and his
single mom calls off the family vacation, he must
decide whether to sit it out or go it alone.
Joshua J. ProvostDirector of Photography/EditorJoshua J. Provost is a cinematographer who exacts control over every factor that influences the image, from location and production design, through lighting and composition, and on to color timing and editing. He harnesses these influences to create images that seamlessly accent the tone and emotion of the story.
Directed by SEAN GARLAND
~ The last American Western ~
Leo Kuntz, Vietnam vet turned horse rancher, feels the quiet storm of change. He has fought to preserve the legendary lineage of Sitting Bull's Nokota horses for decades. His fight to save the equine legacy of the Greatest American Indian of them all is running out of time. NokotaHeart is his story.
North Dakota - Present day. Lakota, Sioux, Chippewa. This is Indian country. Haunted prairies and shimmering badlands. Ghost towns and grazing buffalo.But the 21st Century is upon us. America's frontier is vanishing.So too are the old ways - horse people and horse cultures. In the face of such stark transition Leo Kuntz may be the last of his kind.