Arivaca Film Night
(Local Films/Filmmakers)
Friday Night March 7th
(6:30 - 9:00pm)
Friday Night March 6 th
(6:30 - 8:30pm)
What is ARIVACA FILM NIGHT ? It’s an opportunity for those of us who are
experimenting with our digital cameras and software to create filmic stories that
are personal to us and our local. Thus this Friday night program provides a
public forum to present and share information, ideas, artistic concepts and
works in progress. The Friday night program kind of creates itself as
submissions come in. Here’s what is developing for the evening so far........
Those who drive the Arivaca Road
know anything can happen along
its 25-mile stretch of isolation
in route between the highway and
When a violent Monsoon storm
rolled north from Mexico in August
of 2014, Arivaca digital filmmaker
Bart Santello happened to be driving
south and met the storm head-on.
With audio and video equipment
on-hand, a stunning capture of
that experience was achieved.
Apaches, Trade
Routes, Military
outposts and water,
set the stage for
history brought to
life in this short film
on Fort Bowie,
Arizona, by traveling
documentarian Larry
(an experimental film) Directed & Produced by Keith Wagner
A time-elapse film offering a glimpse into a single day on
the frontier of the American Southwest. Shot over the
course of 2 years, this film features never before seen
images of how time has shaped our modern landscape.
National Geographic came to
Arivaca in the summer of 2014 to
instruct teens on photographic
techniques and teach them to tell
stories through the camera’s eye.
The results were amazingly
beautiful and the images captured
not just natural beauty, but a
sense of history, family and
Individual contributors will be
A Fox Ate My Go-Pro
a true story by Jonathan Van Ballenberghe
Jonathan Van Ballenberghe (Tucson) is a
writer/director of documentaries and an
independent filmmaker. Two of Jonathan’s
documentaries; ‘Guru’ and “The Ostrich
Testimonies” were shown at last year’s
2014 Arivaca Film Exhibition
Recently Jonathan has been in Alaska
filming The River of Bears which is now
streaming or available for purchase on DVD
Off the Grid - Away from the Gridlock
a documentary
by Paul McCreary
(Green Valley)
There are many people in Arivaca living unique lives and one of them
is Kyle Young. Documentarian Paul McCreary created this short film
which covers mostly Kyle's efforts of raising alpacas, farming, natural
building and alternative power, in an effort to create a sustainable
existence for himself.
Eva was inspired to begin work on a feature length
documentary about how border militarization and community
resistance to that action has effected life in Arivaca. This
work uses footage shot for a future feature-length
documentary that will look more in depth look at this
checkpoint resistance event.
Eva Lewis is an Arivaca resident and self-taught independent
media maker. Through living in Arivaca and becoming involved in
humanitarian aid to those crossing the border as well as the local
community organization People Helping People in the Border
Zone. For more information and how you you can get involved
contact Eva at
Tucson filmmaker Nickolas
Durate makes humanistic non-
commercial commercials such
as this work: ‘Brothers’ for
Western Union. Brothers
presents a slice of life that
follows two young brothers
and their flat soccer ball.
Starring: Tomas Tovar,
Anthony Lobato Jr
Patricia Johnson,
& Lou Pimber
Director: Nicholas Duarte (Tucson)
Production Company: Riotmaker, Crown
Chimp Productions
Original Music: Daniel Vildosola
Camera: Red Epic
a work-in-progress film presentation
Film: Spaces Between Time
Director: Bart Santello (Arivaca)
Bart Santello is a digital
filmmaker, natural builder
& solar power enthusiast
in Arivaca, Arizona
Writer/Producer Gina Aroneo
is a educator at Barry Goldwater
High Schools in Phoenix.
Producing Consultant Scott
Hellon (Point of view Pictures)
from Tucson
“Spaces Between Time” is a work that will examine the mystery behind the conceptual
filmic elements that shaped Bart Santello’s 2006 film “Outskirts of Infinity’. For our
work-in-progress presentation, we will show three 2:30-minute scenes (film elements)
that demonstrate the process Bart is employing to reconstruct memories and
perceptions of reality, that occurred during the filming of ‘Outskirts’ in the ghost town of
Ruby, Arizona.
Arivaca residents Peggy Kane and ‘Sundog’ will be featured in the scenes presented!